Looking for Practice Gear?
You don't just run down to the local sporting goods store and pick up a 22# Scottish hammer, sheaf bag, or hammer blades. Here are all of guys that we know of that make the stuff we need.
We are asked all the time for recommendations. Without showing favoritism, we will share with you all that our personal weights are from Mike Landrich, sheaves from Jason Clevenger, and forks and hammer blades from Clan Bacon.
The Kilted Carpenter

If you're in the North Carolina area, contact Jeff Crouch about some implements. Find him here on Facebook at the Kilter Carpenter

MDS Highland Games Implements

Marcelo is a Highland Games athlete who wanted his own implements and decided why not just make them. Now he makes and sells high quality Highland Games Implements. Contact him through his Facebook page here.

Buccleuch Forks
Buccleuch Forks builds high quality pitchforks for the Scottish Highland Games Sheaf Toss using only antique, forged forks. Contact Chris through his Facebook here.
Know of someone we missed? Let us know, and we'll share their info too.